MY BLOG2021-07-02T18:27:41+02:00

The power of giving

By |May 30, 2022|Categories: Articles|

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. (Winston Churchill) Powerful words by Churchill. And he is so right. By giving we unleash so much happiness in ourselves! At the start of 2021, I joined the worldwide Facebook post, whereby the first 5 people who shared my post and committed to paying it forward would receive a random gift from me throughout the year. I sent cupcakes to Gauteng and Durbanville, and coffee vouchers to Stellenbosch. I have no idea whether my 5 recipients actually paid it forward but you know what? [...]

Unpack your emotional baggage

By |April 24, 2022|Categories: Articles|

Emotional baggage is a collective term for all our unresolved past emotional experiences and issues, traumas, and stresses. We carry these experiences, inner criticisms, insecurities, deep (perhaps shameful) secrets, and past relationship pains, with us at all times, allowing these negative thoughts about our unresolved past to constantly occupy our minds and body. If not taken care of, emotional baggage can negatively impact: • the way you think about yourself (manifesting as resentment and self-loathing) • your physical well-being • how you react to stress • your relationships with others • decision-making • your mental health (depression and anxiety) Facing [...]

Break your bad habit autopilot

By |March 24, 2022|Categories: Articles|

Habits are incredibly positive – without them you would not be dressed by lunch time or drive yourself to work. They are our autopilots steering us day-to-day through activities that we don’t spend a lot of time thinking about. This automation allows us to spare our cognitive muscles for those important decisions, plans and learning. Strong habits require very little, if any, of our conscious mind, allowing us to brush our teeth even if we’re half asleep! Habits become our routines essential to our physical and mental health, productivity or work/balance life. However, we all have bad habits we ought [...]

Your well-deserved hug: how to practice self-care

By |February 28, 2022|Categories: Thinking out loud|Tags: |

Self-care is the first step to your overall health. Without it, our overall health - our mind, relationships, and outlook on life – will suffer. Life will always challenge us and throw unexpected curve balls. It’s a reality! But you can manage and overcome those boulders in the road. In a previous blog Are you surviving, or thriving? Building your resilience, I unpacked the Top 10 tips on how to build one’s resilience. At the center of creating a launchpad for you to be able to bounce back from life’s stressors, is self-care. Important thoughts on self-care: - Should be [...]

The Tinder Swindler – be careful!

By |February 14, 2022|Categories: Thinking out loud|

The Tinder Swindler on Netflix has been fascinating to watch, don’t you agree? One can almost not believe this is real life! But the sad truth is that although most of us would argue that something similar would never happen to us, cases such as these are not as uncommon as we think. Many people have turned to social media globally, with negatively comments towards the women, saying that they ‘really should have known better’. However, I really don’t believe it is as straightforward as assuming the women were merely gullible. The exploitative tactics used by swindler Simon Leviev, real [...]

Stop setting yourself up for failure!

By |January 28, 2022|Categories: Thinking out loud|

If you’re anything like me, you know how hard it is to keep a New Year’s resolution. No matter how good your intentions are, it’s incredibly tough to stick to change. So why do we set ourselves up for failure knowing full well that these resolutions end long before we’ve even started? The simple answer is that we desire change but we are using the wrong mindset in changing our behaviour. Trouble keeping a resolution is a common phenomenon According to stats and facts pulled together by, almost 65% of American adults—164 million people—have made New Year’s resolutions, and [...]

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